Thursday, January 01, 2009

Full Disclosure

This is my personal blog.

Occasionally I do product reviews.  Most of these reviews are on products I have paid for myself.  A handful of them are from products that have been given to me free of charge.

Here are the products I have received for free:
Organic Valley Butter
Organic Valley Hot Dogs
Organic Valley Canadian Bacon
Organic Valley Ground Beef

I spend a lot of time on this blog.  To compensate my time, I participate in affiliate programs.  If you buy a product from a company I am an affiliate for, I make a small percentage of the sale.  I am currently an affiliate for:
The Land of Nod
Mix My Granola
Frontier Co-Op
Door to Door Organics
Greensbury Market

I currently have ads from Google Adwords on my website and receive a very small amount of money for every ad that is clicked on.

I make every effort to not let the free products I receive or the affiliate relationships I have influence my opinions on the products I am reviewing.  I would never recommend a product that I wouldn't use myself.  Any post that has an affiliate link or mentions a product I have received for free after October 6, 2009 has been labeled Disclosure

I make claims about what I think is healthy on my site.  These are entirely my own views.  I am not a medical professional and you should consult with what you consider a trusted source.

If you have any questions, you can contact me at jmagro at gmail . com