Saturday, January 08, 2011

Where I've Been

The past five months have been a bit of a blur.

*  Both my kids started school in August, and start at 8AM (a little too early for my taste) so mornings are busy getting them off and ready.  Evenings are busy preparing for the next day of school and getting them to bed in time.  And now they have homework, parties and fieldtrips to keep the days busy.

*  I was writing for Rochester Media's Community Edge.  Check out my 2010 Advent Calendar Activities, as well as our Breakfast Around the World Staycation.

*  And, I have picked up some new consulting clients that have kept me busy developing their websites.

I haven't forgotten about The Dinner Table.  It is frequently on my mind.  I have recipes to post and products to write up.  One of my resolutions for the 2011 is to be more structured in where and how I spend my time, and spending time on The Dinner Table is part of that plan.  I am incredibly excited about the coming year and can't wait to share it with you!