Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Felt Play Food

Felt Play Food Sandwich, originally uploaded by HiMalta.

The kids got a kitchen for their birthdays. I saw some great felt play food online and thought "I can make this" So for .20 a sheet, I bought some felt and came up with some creations.

Here is the rest of the felt play food.

If I wasn't going to make my own, I would probably buy all of the Haba Biofino Line up from Amazon. I think it is SUPER cute!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Turkey Burgers

Finished Turkey Burgers, originally uploaded by HiMalta.

Made some turkey burgers last night for dinner. They turned out pretty good. What I was most disappointed about was that the ground turkey wasn't that good. I usually buy my meat from the butcher, but it was closed when I went grocery shopping Sunday night, so I got it at Kroger. It didn't really cook up as well as the butcher ground turkey.

You can see the rest of the pictures here: Turkey Burgers