Monday, May 03, 2010

My Favorite Things: OXO Julienne Peeler

OXO Julienne Peeler

My OXO Julienne Peeler isn't perfect, but there is still much to like about it!

I can easily julienne carrots for stirfrys

OXO Julienne Peeler

Or Cucumbers for this yummy, Tomato and Cucumber Spaghetti Salad (recipe follows):

The major flaw the OXO julienne peeler has is that you are left with some extra pieces of whatever you are julienning from the way you have to use it.  I don't mind the extras for carrots because I make my own stock and I just throw the pieces in the freezer to save for my next batch of broth.  When I am making things like the cucumber salad pictured above, I just chop up the remaining pieces with a knife and put it in with the rest of the salad.

Tomato and Cucumber Spaghetti Salad Recipe
3 large tomatoes (like Hot House)
1 medium cucumber (peeled, cut in half, with the seeds scraped out)
2 Tablespoons Organic Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon high-quality Balsamic Vinegar
salt & pepper to taste.

1. Chop up the tomatoes to your desired size (I prefer large chunks for this salad)
2. Use the julienne peeler to make your cucumber into "spaghetti" and mix in with the tomatoes.
3. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the tomatoes and cucumbers.
4. Mix the Olive Oil and Vinegar together and pour over salad.

A quick, easy, and fun summertime salad compliments of the OXO Julienne Peeler.

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