Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yogurt and Fruit Popsicles ... or Smoothie

Ingredients for Strawberrie Popsicles

The kids and I came up with a recipe for yogurt Popsicles that we have been having a blast making (and eating) together.  It is a great quick treat for the family because it tastes amazing, yet is good for you.  Why? The full fat yogurt provides protein and fat to keep you full, and according the The National Yogurt Association, when frozen yogurt maintains the beneficial bacteria it contains so you are still getting the benefits of the active live cultures of yogurt.  The strawberries are also a great source of Vitamin C.  The honey or real maple syrup are completely optional, these pops still tastes great without the added sugar.

Yogurt Popsicles Recipe
1 Cup Full Fat Organic Plain Yogurt (I prefer homemade, but any yogurt with active live cultures will do)
1 Cup Organic Strawberries OR blueberries (frozen are fine!)
2 Tablespoons of Real Organic Maple Syrup or Raw Honey (Optional)

1. Blend everything together using your blender, or your hand blender.  If you don't have a hand blender, I highly recommend getting one because they will greatly simplify the blending of any soup or smoothie you are trying to make by saving you LOADS of clean-up time.

2. Drink as a smoothie or freeze in Popsicle molds.


Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles

This recipe can EASILY be adapted, double, tripled, etc. to suit your individual tastes.  Try different fruits, try adding a vegetable like spinach or some ground flax seed meal.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Wow... ultra yumm!

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