Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 2 CSA Summary & Review

Bean Salad Before Mixing

Here is what I actually did with Week 2's share.

As you recall, week 2 had:
Strawberries (2 quarts) - Cut them up and ate them for dessert
Kale - Made this Bean & Kale Soup
Parsley - Used it in the Bean & Kale Soup above and in the tomato & bean salad pictured above.
Lettuce (2 bags) - Made 2 strawberry salads (we picked the strawberries, they weren't from the CSA) and 2 salads topped with the bean & tomato salad.
Garlic Scapes - Made the bean & scape dip. I also added them to the tomato & bean salads.

It's only been a week, but I've already noticed a couple of changes:

1) I don't default to baking. Normally whenever I had to bring something somewhere, I bake something. Since I had loads of lettuce to use, I brought strawberry salads. It was nice to be bringing something that was healthy and fresh.
2) Diversity at Dinnertime. Normally I cook a main meal and veggie, but since we had all the lettuce, it was nice to have a fresh salad with our meals this week.


Prince Andrew and the Queen Mum said...

i know this is last year but do you pick organically locally?

aMichiganMom said...

I am on the hunt for places. Last year we picked our own, but it wasn't organic. This year, my goal is to find organic.

Strawberries: Heard this place isn't certified, but doesn't use pesticides:


If you know of any, please post them here and I'll put up a guide.

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