Today was my first pickup date for the CSA Share (the 2nd for those who signed up on time).
Above you will see the boxes that we get each week. I bring my own bags, so I put everything in my bag, break down the box and the farm picks it up to reuse it next week.
There is something kind of liberating about picking up my product and then deciding what I will make with it for the week rather than choosing what to make and then going to the grocery store.
Below you can see what was included in the share. There isn't a ton, but the kids will love the strawberries, and my husband and I will eat the lettuce for lunches through the week. You can click through to the picture on Flickr to see the notes I made on the picture. I know from my 2006 membership that the bounty increases as we get further into the season.
One noticable difference that I always notice right away is the smell. The food smells wonderful and fresh!
So far my plans for this share include:
- Scape Bean Dip. The farm sent a link to a NYT article on garlic scapes, and I am going to try and make this scape bean dip from that article. Can't wait to try it, I'll share the process/results here.
- Cut up the strawberries for dessert and mabye make some strawberry ice cream.
- Salads for lunch for the lettuce
- Bean & Kale soup for the Kale
- I think I should have enough scapes left to make a cold white bean, garlic scales, tomato and caper salad. Probablly would taste good over the lettuce for lunch.
- I've got to figure out what that little bundle of stuff is so I can figure out what to do with it.
I have a fabulous recipe for strawberry cheesecake icecream that I've been making with Maple Creek's strawberries every year.
Is it online for you to share? My mom gave me a recipe from this month's Rachael Ray magazine, but if you have another one I can try both! My kids birthdays are coming up and we need some ice cream for the party!
Very nice. Minus the radishes. I hate radishes. Let me know how it goes
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