Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Maple Creek Farm Share ~ Week 13

The weather was already telling me that fall was here and today's share proved it. We got our first acorn and butternut squash.

The basil smelled wonderful and smelled up the whole porch at our pickup site! I already made some yummy pesto out of it.

Everything else looks absolutely fabulously fresh (how's that for too many adjectives) and I can't wait to cook with it this week!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Maple Creek Farm Share ~ Week 12

Maple Creek Farm Share ~ Week 12

Week 12 Looks Good!  I've already chopped the peppers for freezing, made pesto out of the lemon basil and chopped and frozen the cilantro in one of those little frozen herb cube trays from Trader Joes.

It was a nice surprise to get some apples today and the Swiss Chard looks absolutely gorgeous.  I treated those watermelons like crystal because the last time we got them I split one open by accident by setting it on the counter (the sign of a truly ripe melon).

I must admit I was happy to not get any green beans.  They tasted really good, but it is not my favorite vegetable and I will be happy to something else as a side for the coming week.

The zucchini is piling up and I must do something with it soon.  I don't have problems thinking of things to do with all my zucchini, I have problems finding the time to do something with it.  Feels like just can't find enough time the last couple of weeks.