Thursday, August 09, 2007

Toddler Activities

Found this website when I was looking for some activites / crafts for Matthew: Lots of good ideas!

I am also a HUGE fan of this book.  It has a lot of great activities for toddlers and preschoolers that you can do with stuff you already have around your house.  It also teaches you how this "play time" is actually "learning time."

On another site I found an idea to fill up a container with rice and let him play with it. I had an old oatmeal container that I filled 1/4 full with rice and then gave him some small tupperwarelike bowls. He had a blast! He was very excited to show it to daddy when he came home. The only problem is that he took the new oatmeal container (still filled with oatmeal) and kept saying "rice mama rice" :-)

One Year Later (+8 days) and I am back

I am back and ready to start blogging again. Since I last posted, we had another baby girl, Maria on July 4th -- the same day as her brother -- only two years later. Life is busy (but very good) with 2 kids. She is making it easy on us because she is already sleeping through the night. She was a good sleeper to begin with and when I swaddle her, she becomes even better (Yeah!!)